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How to Take Care of Your Chiffon Hijabs

Chiffon have rapidly become amongst the most popular fabrics to wear. The fabric is soft, lightweight, and delicate, making it an elegant touch to any outfit. Chiffon is viewed as a fabric that is highly desirable and it is associated with elegance in the fashion world. Brief History of Chiffon Chiffon in French is chiffe which translates to cloth or rag.  The first Chiffon was produced in France. In the past, Chiffon was made purely from silk. In 1938, the first non-silk chiffon which was a nylon version of chiffon was invented. In 1958, the polyester chiffon was created, which became immensely popular.  Today, heaps of chiffon are still made from polyester. Although, some manufacturers of this sheer fabric still use silk...

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